If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

It’s a cliche, and one that I despise, but it rings true. I’d really like to change streams a bit, but of all the things I’ve tried my hand at, it’s easiest to get sucked into hacking. In the past couple months I decided that I would embrace it, and just roll with it because… well, it’s 2:00AM, and I’m just gunna run it one more time… and… it’s 2:15, just need to fix that syntax error and… oh wait, shit, that loop is off by one.. and oh fuck is that that sun?
I’ve been working on some new stuff, and thought I’d post a few screenshots, but first, a backstory:
Yeah, so I applied for what I thought was a really cool job in a startup that could really benefit from my skills, and after a grueling 2 month long disorganized interview / free consulting process (this is crap btw, please stop doing this companies), for the first time in my life… I didn’t get the gig! It sucked, but I’m trying to take the positive away from it. The feedback I got is that they thought I wouldn’t be hands-on enough. Pretty ironic considering that’s often my fatal flaw, but there it is.
The company (who will not be named) is into data analysis and visualization and in the 50 hours I spent researching their business, I got kinda into the field and decided this was something I wanted to be hands on about anyway. The thought of answering really important questions with data is exciting to me. Plus I like pretty charts.
I bought a very expensive subscription to http://dataquest.io which is quite cool despite being overpriced (IMO). But I mostly learn from projects, so I also started a hobby project to build a stats site for the Backgammon League I’m an administrator of.
Here’s a couple screenshots:

Not super exciting or challenging stuff yet, but it’s a start. I’m working on some more probability related stuff and perhaps some light ML next month.
Tech is python + pandas/numpy + flask + highcharts + the challonge API.
In addition, I’m also working a couple new electronics devices. One is a sound toy of sorts for my daughter and the other is an educational toy / tool I hope to go from prototype to product with. Please get in touch if you know anyone in the Delhi area working on Augmented Reality who might want to partner.
Take care and thanks for reading!